Thursday, May 23, 2013

Uploading firmware

In the first 3 weeks I was still learning quite a lot on the Arduino based board and of course 3D printing. At one moment someone convinced me to upload the Repetier-firmware to the board which has the ability to store certain values in the eprom. After uploading the firmware I discovered the printer wasn't functioning the way I wanted it despite the fact I specifically chosen the Gen6.d board layout in the configuration.h file. When I wanted to go back to the old firmware I discovered it wasn't as easy as I first assumed it to be. I stored the printer for a few weeks as I really was fed up with the printer not able to do anything.

Eventually I figured it out as I found firmware for my motherboard version (OK-PCB-0021-B1) on a Japanese website. This eventually did the job and I was finally able to use the printer again.
The PCB version is probably located underneath the SD cardholder 
As I assumed the pin layout for my PCB version is different than the pin layout described in pins.h for all the versions of the Marlin or Repetier firmware. As an example, this meant the extruder fan started turning when turning on the heated bed.

In the next post I will give instructions how to upload a working Marlin firmware version.

[edit] Check out the first part of "Marlin on Gen6.d" [/edit]

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